Steps for membership in the Japan Association of Arbitrators (JAA)

An invitation to membership

The JAA was launched on October 16, 2003, in relation to arbitration and other methods of alternative dispute resolution (ADR), with the following goals: (i) to foster and train arbitrators, mediators, and other personnel involved in arbitration and other ADR methods; (ii) to conduct research on law and practice and to devise better procedures; and (iii) to encourage and promote the use of arbitration and other ADR procedures, and to educate the public about those processes by promoting collaboration and cooperation among practitioners, researchers, and other people interested in arbitration and ADR. The JAA became an incorporated association on December 5, 2005 and then a public association on January 6, 2014.

The name of the JAA indicates that the JAA is an association of “arbitrators,” but the JAA is home to a wide range of members, including people involved in arbitration as well as other forms of ADR such as mediation and conciliation, people conducting multifaceted research on arbitration and ADR, and people who are interested in promoting the use of arbitration and ADR and improving the quality of those processes. The JAA works to hold seminars and workshops for arbitrators and mediators, to publish a newsletter, to hold lectures and seminars, and to conduct exchanges with related organizations at home and abroad. ADR procedures have various advantages as means of dispute resolution and are currently gathering momentum in Japan. For ADR to develop soundly overall, people who are directly engaged in such dispute resolution methods and people who are interested in conflict resolution absolutely need to have accurate and up-to-date knowledge on arbitration and other ADR methods. We recommend membership in the JAA and ask our members to actively participate in the Association.

To apply for membership, please complete the required items in the membership application form below and submit the form. Dues are 10,000 yen annually for an individual member (membership fee: 10,000 yen; the member will be exempt from dues for the year of membership) and 100,000 yen per membership for a corporate member. Membership must be approved by the President, so we will inform you once your membership has been approved.

Japan Association of Arbitrators (JAA)

What are the requirements for membership in the JAA?

Anyone can join the JAA if they are interested in arbitration and ADR and their membership is approved by the President.

What are the steps for membership in the JAA?

Please complete the required items in the membership application form below and submit the form.

Steps for membership

  1. Complete the required items in the membership application form below and submit the form.
  1. You will be notified by the Secretariat when your membership has been approved and where to remit your membership fee (10,000 yen).
  2. Please remit the membership fee (10,000 yen) to the account specified.
  3. Once the Secretariat confirms receipt of the membership fee, the membership process is complete.