Privacy Policy

October 2019
Japan Association of Arbitrators (JAA)

The Japan Association of Arbitrators (JAA) will manage personal information of individual members of the JAA and of non-members participating in events such as lectures and workshops sponsored or co-sponsored by the JAA (hereinafter denoted as “members or non-members”) based on the following policy and thoroughly protect that personal information.

1. Compliance with laws and ordinances

The JAA will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, other laws and ordinances governing the handling of personal information, relevant ministerial and agency guidelines, and the JAA’s own rules, etc.

2. Acquisition and use of personal information

The JAA will use the member’s name and contact address to prepare and maintain a roster of Association members (a membership list). Personal information (name and contact address as well as other information, such as information on the membership application) obtained from members will only be used with the scope of the following purposes of use.

Purposes of Use

  • To send a notice of or invitation to various JAA events, such as a General Meeting, training courses, workshop, or lectures, or to contact a member, which includes sending the Association Newsletter.
  • To receive applications from members to participate in various JAA events.
  • To submit materials requested by relevant authorities.
  • To promote collaboration and cooperation among practitioners and researchers, such as referrals to arbitrators and mediators and communication among members.
  • To receive and manage various expenses, including annual dues.
  • To use in reference materials to plan and conduct various JAA events, such as training programs and lectures.
  • For other administrative tasks required to fulfill the aims of the JAA.

When the JAA acquires personal information directly in writing from members or non-members, the Association will clearly indicate the purposes of use of that information beforehand. In other situations, the JAA will notify or disclose the purposes of use of that information. The JAA will not use personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the aforementioned purposes of use without the prior consent of members or non-members or unless otherwise permitted by laws and ordinances.

3. Management of personal information

In order to prevent the leakage, loss, or destruction of personal information, the JAA will take necessary actions and ensure that the personal information of members or non-members is accurate and up to date, to the extent possible.

In addition, the JAA will appropriately supervise employees handling personal information. When the handling of personal information is entrusted to a third party, the JAA will take steps, such as signing an agreement on the handling of personal information with the contracted party. Thus, the JAA will provide oversight so that personal information is properly managed by the contracted party as well.

4. Provision of personal information to third parties

The JAA will not provide personal information to a third party without the prior consent of members or non-members or unless otherwise permitted by laws and ordinances.

5. Creation of a system for the handling of personal information within the JAA

To facilitate the proper handling and protecting the personal information of members or non-members, the JAA will train employees in the handling of personal information, and oversee the handling of that information by appointing a supervisor of the handling of personal information of members or non-members.

6. Disclosure, correction, or halting the use of personal information

Individual members or non-members who wish to be notified of the purposes of use of their personal information or to have that information disclosed, corrected, or its use halted should submit a request to the JAA Secretariat via the specified procedures. When the JAA receives a request from a member or non-member for notification of the purposes of use or disclosure, correction, or halted use of personal information, the JAA will appropriately respond to the request to a reasonable extent in accordance with specified procedures and as specified by laws and ordinances.

7. Revision of the Privacy Policy

In order to further protect the personal information of members or non-members, and in order to comply with changes in laws and ordinances, the JAA may review this Policy as necessary. When this Policy is revised, an announcement to that effect will be posted on the JAA website.

8. For inquiries

If you wish to express an opinion or ask questions regarding the content of this Policy or the handling of personal information by the JAA, please contact the JAA Secretariat.

JAA Secretariat
1-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo 〒100-0013 (in the Japan Federation of Bar Associations Building)
Tel 03-3580-9870
Fax 03-3580-9851